Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I have a favorite...

Drug, that is.  I take a lot of pills.  I have blood pressure med, cholesterol med, Vitamin D, Thyroid, Prednisone, diuretic, potassium... and AMBIEN!  Can you tell which one is my fave??

Ambien is awesome.  30 minutes after I put that little pink pill in my mouth, I am drifting off into Slumberland.

I was so tired yesterday.  And the kids were SO naughty.  It doesn't happen often but I came to the choice at about 7pm to either beat my children or put them to bed.  So they went to bed.  I picked up, took an Ambien at 7:45, snuggled with the baby until 8:15, put him in his bed, and was dreaming by 8:30. 10 1/2 hours of sleep.  Heaven.

So THAT is why Ambien is my favorite drug.

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