Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First GF Meal

So I've been eating Gluten Free for 2 weeks now & have done really well.  Its a lot easier now-a-days that it was last time I tried it.  There are a lot of options but tonight I made my first official gluten-free meal.  It was Buckwheat Blueberry Pancakes from Oh She Glows.  They have chunks of banana in them too.  Delish.

I'm really glad I bought my gorgeous Komo grain mill.  I still make whole wheat bread for the fam but its MUCH cheaper to grind your own alternative flours too.  I used it tonight for these pancakes to grind up some buckwheat groats & brown rice.

Tomorrow I'm going to make GF bread!  It HAS to be better than the nasty store-bought Almond Rice bread I bought.  GA-ROSS.  Seriously.

1 comment:

Twins Squared said...

I couldn't decide whether to post directly on your blog or on FB. This seemed more personal. Anyway, I can't believe you are dealing with this. A year ago I was looking at all types of chronic diseases and nobody could figure out what was up. And the emotional roller coaster was so awful. I was preparing myself for all kinds of things only I didn't really feel prepared for anything. So every time I see your posts or blog updates, I think back to how I was feeling a year ago.

Let me just say your sense of humor is awesome. I always used a sense of humor with twins because I felt like I was cratering. I am amazed at how you are dealing with this, adjusting to meds, completely changing your diet (I am overwhelmed just trying to get my family to eat a little healthier) and raising such young kids at the same time. Do you have someone helping you?

Anyway, I just wanted to know that I think a lot about you every time you post about this and that my thoughts and prayers are with you. As for me I ended up getting Fifth Disease, which is only a temporary (though sometimes chronic but not damaging) virus that mimics disease in adults and lasts 2-6 months. It was coupled with a couple other issues including one issue that is chronic and a pain but also treatable and at least in me mild. Bladder related. Yay!

So here's to all your drugs working and you not gaining 200 lbs and to healthier kidneys. Sounds like you've so far got a good handle on things. I am glad you are finding other blogs too to relate to. Isn't it amazing how much it helps to connect with other people in the same boat?