Sunday, March 11, 2012


I went to sleep late Friday night/Saturday morning after hours of laughter & singing my heart out at the Reba concert with my friends.  And I still haven't woken up.

I dragged myself out of bed yesterday, ran through the motions of the dreary rainy day, even took a nap... took the kids to a birthday party that I vaguely remember... then crashed again as soon as they were in bed.

I slept for 12 hours.

And I'm still not awake.

Maybe Reba and being out till almost 1am was too much?

Screw it-- I'm 29.  I'm not going to behave otherwise.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I blame Reba!!!! lol-I'm just bitter, I guess just take in the days with lots of energy!! love ya!