Monday, April 2, 2012


Still feeling pretty crappy.  Prednisone compromises my immune system so I'm getting every single little virus that my kids bring home.  I still get muscle cramps, especially in my back when I go to bed.  Still struggling with sleep.  My energy is gone. Im constantly hot & sweaty. I'm emotional.  I'm definitely getting crabby.  I feel like I have less patience, less compassion & less control over it, especially where my family is concerned.  I got heart burn today. I'm putting on weight, especially on my belly. And this seems totally weird but has to be related because of the timing... my hair is growing in darker.  Blah.  I hate Prednisone.


Erin said...

I'm sorry, Alisha. You are a good person. You will come through this.

Storaloppan said...

Yup....the weight gain and hair is DEFINITELY due to prednisone. Awful awful awful drug....I started taking Wellbutrin to try to curb the cravings because I felt I was eating everything within an arms reach, and it really helped me. You might want to check into it if your comfortable with it.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I love you and think you are BEAUTIFUL!!

pregnant pink warrior said...

What a terrible drug! I HATE Prednisone! It made me fat miserable irritable wasn't even the word for it. My family steered clear of me completely. I hope it gets better for you soon.