Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chubby Cheeks

My {almost} two-year-old does this most adorable thing where he pinches your cheeks (or his own), sticks his lips out and says, "Chubby Cheeks!"

Well he definitely has more to grab on to now.

This is kind of a "before & after" shot.  The first picture was taken a few weeks ago.  I was on Prednisone then.  I picked this picture because its not my favorite picture of me.  I didn't want to compare my face today to my best picture, just a normal one.  

Tell me you don't see it now. 

I want to share another "before & after" with you.  This is Lindsey.  She's in my support group for FSGS online.  My blog post yesterday inspired some of the girls to share some photos.  Lindsey is in her early 20's & was on Prednisone for 6 months.  It unfortunately didn't work for her but she's doing well now.  The "before" is when she had been on the drug for 3 1/2 months.  The "after" is her now.  

Her "before" picture completely breaks my heart.  She was in college & had to deal with this.  Physical changes are SO SO hard & no one can tell me otherwise.  

At least I have hope that I will go back to normal.

I am really grateful for the internet the ability I have to link with other women who know what I'm going through.  The support & sympathy I've received from my friends & family has been tremendous & irreplaceable.  I have felt so loved.  But I am grateful for the additional love, understanding & empathy I get from these women.  


Our Family said...

Oh Alisha! I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with these struggles. You are beautiful, inside and out! You will overcome this! We love you!!

Twins Squared said...

Awww - that before picture of your friend breaks my heart too but look at her now - wow! As for you, and I swear I'm not just saying this, but I have always thought you were so beautiful and while you may not feel beautiful right now I think your face still looks really really cute!

Storaloppan said...

This post totally makes me all warm and fuzzy, and it's precisely why I started the group. You look great, but I also know that it doesn't matter what anyone else's how you feel. Vent away, my friend :)

Benjamin Hunsaker said...

I had no idea what you meant by moon face. If I saw you all the time, I bet I wouldn't be able to tell. But since you put those pictures side by side, yes you can tell. However, you're still gorgeous. And physical change is so hard and I'm sorry you have to go through it. However, just remember that most people aren't starring at you, care or noticing b/c they are focusing on themselves and their own faults of bad hair days, acne, weight gain, own trials, etc.

JuJuB said...

Hi - I am doing a fundraiser for an autoimmune disease and was wondering if I can use the before and after photo of the beautiful young girl here? May I have permission to repost? It is going for an amazing cause. Thank you

Unknown said...

I have been on prednisone due to allergies, & have noticed some face bloat. & increase in appetite. I've also been reading that if you cut it down to 10 mg a day (I would take 5 twice a day, & fight the hunger drink lots of water, that it will go away.