Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well I finally got around to checking my results on my iPhone app last night around 11pm... I scrolled down each item & each was in the normal range... until I got to the bottom.  Protein... 961mg.  Normal is <150mg & last 24-urine test, I was at zero.  I was so confident I wouldn't have a relapse that I waited this long to test again.  Last time I tested, my dose of prednisone was 30mg.  So if I am relapsing, I have no idea what dose in between 30 & 7.5mg I started spilling protein at.

I'm kind of in shock about it.  I did NOT expect it at all.  Dr. B said that if my protein starts going up, to go back to the dose where I was previously in remission.  I don't want to go back to 30mg!!  I just started seeing my moon face go away, I have lost a few pounds & have strength back.  It's so depressing.

I'm really hoping it was a fluke. Or... I've never known for sure if my GF diet is really helping.  Maybe I had some gluten & it caused me to spill protein.  You can also spill protein for a bit when you're fighting a virus. Or when you're stressed.  Or maybe the lab got my results mixed up with someone else?!?!

I woke up this morning & did a test strip & it said there were only trace amounts of protein.  I'm questioning that because I did a test strip just a day or two before my last 24 hour test & it also said I had low protein.  So I'm doing another 24-hour test today before I up my dose of prednisone.  It should take about a week to get my results & then I'll be able to move forward from there.

Please pray that I'm not having a relapse!

1 comment:

2 kidney beans said...

I think it was a fluke! Did you notice a change in any other numbers since going GF? Xxx