Monday, June 18, 2012

Irrationally irritated

That's me.  All of the time.  When people and things keep ticking you off or annoying you over & over, you start to get the idea that its probably not really other people's fault.  Its yours.

Not EVERYONE is annoying me these days.  So if you've spent some time with me lately, don't think I mean you.

I hate this feeling.  I feel cranky & out of control of my emotions.  And of course the people that suffer are my husband & children.

My energy level goes through ups & downs.  Right now I'm on a down, and have been now for several days.  So that's not helping.

I'm in a vicious cycle of being so exhausted after lunch that I HAVE to nap to make it through the day, then I can't go to bed at night because I've napped, which means I don't get enough sleep... and the cycle continues.

So anyway, friends, family, people I love... if I seem out of sorts its because I am.  Don't take it personally.

(P.S.  I made my first ever gluten-free cookies.  They were ok.  Just ok... but I ate like 2 dozen of them anyway.  Why can't I have self control???  So, needless to say, I'm not baking anymore unless its not GF & therefore off limits.)


Storaloppan said...

Alisha....I understand. It's not easy to deal with everything that you're dealing with, but I UNDERSTAND.

I was an irrational, irritatte b**** for nearly a year I think before I finally did something about it. I just didn't handle it well, and I still don't sometimes (especially the binging...I LOVE me some chips and french onion dip..I'm talking a whole bag at a time).

Awwww...girlie....I promise it'll get better. Just don't beat yourself up over it and hope that everyone knows it's not YOU but your situation. And begging for forgiveness for being a total ass sometimes doesn't hurt either ;)

Court said...

I think your attitude is surprisingly good considering the meds you have to take. You're doing the best you can. We all need latitude and patience, not just sometimes, but all the time. That's what friends do for each other. Keep fighting the good fight.

Matt said...

It's been 23 years since I was on lots and lots of prednizone, but I remember that feeling all too clear. It's know that it's happening, you can feel it and pinpoint it, yet you still feel it. Then you feel worse because you know you're not treating others well, and it becomes a downward spiral. However, you seem to be handling it better than most!