Saturday, June 2, 2012


Today has been awesome.  Rewind to earlier this week... I was exhausted.  Couldn't sleep enough.  I'd go to bed super early, sleep hard & wake up exhausted.  The gym was excruciating.  Usually once I'm there I pep up & get into the class.  Wednesday morning was particularly hard.  EVERY MINUTE.  But then-- for some reason, yesterday I pepped up.  Felt good.  So today I went to my normal spin class & then went back for a new Core class my gym is offering.  They did this big event today to bring in the new classes... it was super fun.  I wanted to stay for more but didn't want to push it.

I can handle these highs & lows.  BUT.... I have this gnawing fear in the pit of my stomach, every time I go through a low point, that its going to stay... I don't know how I'd live like that!  Tuesday night I went to bed BEFORE my kids did.  I was trying to finish up some laundry before I headed to sleep & I could barely lift the basket.  That kind of exhaustion, day after day, would be too much for me to handle.  And I know a lot of the girls from my group deal with that on a regular basis.  They are rock stars.

Oh! Oh!  I almost forgot!  I met a lady at the gym today who is 50+ and SHE had problems with her kidneys in her late 30's.  Went on prednisone, went GLUTEN FREE, dealt with the kidney stuff off & on for several years and has been TOTALLY fine since she was 35.  She's started eating gluten again a while back, wasn't feeling well, was putting on weight, her dr. told her to go back on completely gluten free & she looks & feels awesome.  You seriously have to look close to believe that she's 50.  She's my new hero.  I know it doesn't work like that for everyone but I hope that my story is like her story when I'm 50.

Lastly... I've now been on my 30mg of pred for 3 weeks.  My plan is to drop to 20mg tomorrow.  I did my bloodwork & 24-hour urine yesterday.  I see Dr. B this Friday.  I did a test strip this morning and there's almost no protein in my urine (YAY!) so I think I'm going to go ahead and drop to 20mg.  What's still TBD is if I'll be brave enough to tell Dr. B that I'm weaning myself faster than she told me to.  I'm totally 100% confident with my decision... but... I have authority issues.  Just a little quirk I have!

I'm now up 15 lbs.  I can't WAIT to get low enough on pred that I can start to loose it.  I hate looking at pictures of myself.  I try to not worry about it but its hard.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I've done a tiny bit of reading about gluten free and FSGS, but haven't seriously considered it. Yet. Perhaps I should, I don't suppose it'd do me any harm to try and see if it had any effect. Hmmm.

Also, I totally agree about the weight. I'm on 30mg at the moment and have put on 8kgs. :( I am SO excited to get to 10mg or below! Goodbye extra weight! :D