Thursday, September 20, 2012


The burning in my stomach only happened the first few times I took the Cyclo.  So far I haven't really noticed anything else.  There's some extra hair on my face but that might be left over from the Prednisone.  I've gotten shakey a couple of times but who knows where that's from.  But I am SO SO wiped out right now.  I just feel like crap.  I'm extremely tired but have a hard time going to sleep at night.  I also have a head ache today & my muscles are really sore from my workout Tuesday.  I think the fatigue & head ache might be from weaning off the prednisone & I'm sure my blood protein is getting lower since I'm still spilling so it might be hard to recover from workouts.  Who knows.  But I skipped the gym for the first time in a month yesterday.  I had a busy day but I was also just wiped out.  I'm considering skipping it again today.  That's when you know I'm really tired!

1 comment:

Eva said...

Thanks so much for your supportive comment on my last post! I feel for you.. I've been so tired lately too. Here's hoping the meds kick in and you start to feel better soon!