Wednesday, October 9, 2013


As of September 19th, I'm completely off all medications for my kidney disease.  Wow - it feels crazy amazing!  It feels NORMAL.  I mean, normal 31-year-olds don't take a million pills every day, right?  Normal people don't have to stress about being immunocompromised.  Normal people don't have cankles when they come home from eating out because there was too much sodium.  I've been in remission for over 5 months now & that feels good.

I actually did have a tiny relapse in late August/early September.  I think I did anyway.  For a whole weekend, I swelled.  It was devastating.  So I buckled down on some of the more holistic & natural treatments I've been looking into.  And it helped!  By the time I did labs on September 16th, I was back in remission.

Just about every day I drink the juice from one cucumber, 6 celery stalks, 4-6 carrots, 2 apples & 1 lemon.  Yum yum.  I also started an essential oil regiment recommended for kidney health as well as vitamins from the oils company.  I've always been pretty middle of the road when it comes to traditional & non-traditional medicine.  Incorporating a little of both, combined with healthy eating & exercise, has always been a winning combination for me.  So far so good!

It's been 3 weeks off of meds.  Normally I would feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I actually feel really peaceful this time.  The reality is that I won't be in remission forever.  But for now, I'm enjoying my health.  I'm enjoying feeling normal!


2 kidney beans said...

I'm so happy you got great news!

Michelle said...

Wow! congratulations this is amazing! I'm so happy your off the drugs. Can you tell me a little more about some of the vitamins and essential oils you are using when you have time? :)

Unknown said...

My son has been living with FSGS for 6 years now. He went into spontaneous remission! Here is his story:

Barbara and Kevin said...

Can you share your essential oil blends?